Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another Beginning

My friend Naomi keeps a very cool blog in which she posts one photograph per day, every day. In turn, she told me she was inspired by this man, Jamie Livingston, who took one photograph per day until the day he died. The idea is definitely not mine.

But I want to give it a try anyway. Originality is overrated, right?

In Japan, the school year and fiscal year ends in March and begins again on April 1st. I was inspired too late for the new actual year, so I'm using the Japanese sort-of new year.

Also, Naomi and Jamie Livingston are very good at this and don't write any captions. It makes their work very artistic and enigmatic. I am not very artistic, and I am way too tied to words -- and lots of them -- so I will probably not be able to resist adding explanations.

Let's see how it goes! As they say in Japan, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!